Calgary Water Centre

Calgary Water Centre is the home for The City of Calgary Water Resources business unit. The building is an architectural award winner and an anchor for the Manchester Yards redevelopment area overlooking the Elbow River and Stampede Park. The Calgary Water Centre was Alberta’s first LEED ® - Gold certified building.

The landscape emulates the foothills of Southern Alberta with prairie grass and drought-hardy indigenous plant material. Roof downspouts lead to runnels formed to resemble streams, which collect rainwater in wetland zones that filter naturally into a cistern located in the underground parkade.

ion, with the civil and mechanical engineers, modeled the site water balance of the potential collection area runoff compared to the peak and seasonal irrigation requirements to attain water efficiency credits.

Pop-up sprinklers with rotary stream nozzles, modeled to exhibit Distribution Uniformity of 85%, were incorporated for economy without compromising efficiency, and drip/micro-irrigation was used extensively. The satellite controller communicates with the irrigation central control network employed by The City of Calgary Parks.

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